Are you Dizzy?

We maintain balance using our eyes, inner ears, and muscle and joint receptors in our body. This process occurs in a part of the brain called the cerebellum, which tells us where we are in space. If any of these factors become damaged, this may cause unsteadiness or dizziness.

Conditions that may cause dizziness

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

Calcium deposits ( often called crystals or rocks) break off from a bone in the inner ear and fall into one of the semi-circular canals. Symptoms include spinning sensations for a few seconds after specific movements such as getting in and out of bed or looking up or down.

Vestibular Neuritis

An infection of the vestibular nerve contributing to dizziness and imbalance


Toxic damage to the inner ear, such as from certain medications

Recovery after Acoustic Neuroma removal

Benign tumor of the nerve from the brain to the ear

Central of Neurological Vertigo

Problems in the balance center of the brain from stroke, head injury, Multiple Sclerosis, seizure disorder, brain tumors or cysts, cerebellar dysfunction, and migraines

Other Conditions

Long term effects from Méniére’s Disease, Motion sensitivity, and other conditions of the ear resulting in problems with dizziness and balance

Conditions that may benefit from Balance Retraining

  • Peripheral neuropathy such as from diabetes 

  • History of Falls 

  • Ataxia: difficulty coordinating movement 

  • A decline in quality of gait such as from Parkinson’s Disease or a prolonged hospital stay or illness

  • Abnormalities of the upper cervical spine

  • Trunk or lower extremity weakness

Comprehensive Balance and Vestibular Treatment

For dizziness, we perform canalith reposition maneuvers to remove particles from the semi-circular canals. Provide exercises to improve the brain’s ability to interpret input from the inner ear.

For Balance Retraining, we strive to improve coordination of muscle and joints with input from the eyes and inner ears. We evaluate and recommend appropriate assistive devices if needed. Improve range of motion, strength, and endurance through exercises.

We use Neurocom Computerized Balance equipment, visual equipment and testing to evaluate posture and gait, vision, and strength.